Knowledge Based FAQ


What is Structural Glazing?

Building envelope finished with Glazing, ie,. glass panels used structurally and bonded to a frame (generally Aluminium) is called structural glazing.

Why my building facade is leaking?

Building facades may experiences water leakages during raining conditions, root causes for these defects are often combination of several aspects. However main reasons are poor designs and workmanship defects.

How Glass Facades erected?

Glass facades on buildings are installed either from inside the building or external according to details and systems. High rise building facades are generally erected from inside using hosting and lifting. Low rise facades are done through scaffolding or other means

Structural glazing and windows are the same?

Structural glazings are referred to building facade covering more than one floors and erected out of the building line, Windows are refer to attached to each floor with walls surrounded.

What are the types of glass used in construction?

There are 3 main types of glass used, ie,. Annnealed which has limited strength not used as it is. Glass need to be heat treated to improve its strength. Hence Heat Strengthen and Toughened glasses are widely used for building applications.

What is curtain wall and spider glazing?

Types of glazing are generally called based on their visual and construction methods. Visual-based category: More transparent with lesser frames or obstructions called frameless or bolted or spider glazing. All these terms refer to lesser or no frame construction to provide highly transparent glazing. Construction based category : Curtain walling refers to framed constructions such as windows, commercial building facades, etc, Cable or suspended glazing refers to supporting structure that uses a tension cable system against structural frames.

What is glass wall called?

Glass Wall term used to refer building envelope / facade constructed using glass to provide transparent skin, often used for large spaces or entrances, lobbies of the building,.

What is Facade material?

Building materials used for an envelope or facade is called facade materials, for Ex: Glass, metal or stone cladding.

What is an exterior facade?

An exterior facade is a perimeter skin of a building which protects the building occupants from external weather and provide safety. The material for an external facade may depend on building asthetics and architectural design.

Glazing and Cladding - Difference?

Glazing is weather proofed envelope, provides protection to occupants. Cladding is used as secondary skin for visual / decorative treatment.

What are the types of glass used in construction?

There are 3 main types of glass used, ie,. Annnealed which has limited strength not used as it is. Glass need to be heat treated to improve its strength. Hence Heat Strengthen and Toughened glasses are widely used for building applications.

Is Glass used for building are Stronger?

Glass although its breakable, but one of the toughest material. Strength of glass panels are comparable with other structural materials such as metal sheets.

Structural glazing and windows are the same?

Structural glazings are referred to building facade covering more than one floors and erected out of the building line, Windows are refer to attached to each floor with walls surrounded.