Kolkata International Airport

International Airport, Kolkata

BES has been appointed by AAI (Airports Authority of India) to inspect the Airport Terminal (New) Buildings covering airside and landslide facade engineering firmsglazing.

The airport has been completed during 2012, facade glazing companiesexperiences large number of breakages and glass failures. BES has deputed senior specialist team having existing building investigations, the team has done extensive inspections both internal and external using special tools and techniques.

Project Team

Client : AAI -Airport Authority of India

Project Status : Completed (Year 2015)

Scope : Building Facade Auditing, recommendation methods and monitor repairing works

What We Did

Glazing Failure Investigation & Recommendations

BES Value Add:

  • Senior team deputed at the site for long term inspections
  • Able to diagnose the causes of large amount of glass breakages
  • Able to find design and implementation defects
  • Working out most practical recommendations methods and prepared extensively detailed repair methods
  • Monitored the repairing process and re-checked all repairing works as per BES recommendations