High Rise Tower Facade Inspections
4 towers of 55 sty high at Worli, building facades were completed with all elevations using Unitised Facade Glazing systems with corners uses Unitised Curved facades. Various types of operable window types were used such as parallel opening and side hung casement windows.
BES scope is to carry out detailed investigation of building facades experienced with water leakages and other performance issues. BES has deputed a senior-level team and carried out through inspections internally and externally using gondola access. A large specialist team has involved in detailed inspections that lasted for several weeks of full time inspections.
BES team has carried out extensive analysis of site data, senior expertise was involved in analysing and finding root causes. In-house design team were involved in checking the as-built conditions with the design details. BES team has prepared extensive detailed rectification methods and deeply involved during the rectification stages.
BES team has demonstrated the Rectification solutions have worked well with various site testing.
Project Team
Client : IndiaBulls Infratech Ltd
Project Status : Inspections and Rectification works in progress
Scope : Building Facade Inspections, Recommendations and Monitor rectification works
What We Did
Building Facade Inspections and Rectification solutions.
BES Value Add:
BES were the facade consultants for the building, hence a better understanding of design and details.
NDT techniques with the use of High Tech Tools and gadgets, without disruptions to ID works and finishes
Diagnosis and finding root causes with senior level expertise
Experiences on Similar works and ability to identify failure causes
Finding key causes of failures rather than assumptions and probabilities.
Monitor Remedial works using a dedicated site teams, partitions, service floors,.