BES has presented an interesting technical talk, showing the reality of the site works and practical aspects of the facades. The presentations focused with importance of detailing and good approach. Zak Bangalore-BES session_08 Nov 19Download
Orion city colombo Another Interesting project completed by BES team, a Commercial Building Facade completed with unique designs and high quality facades. Project Details
Carry out quality inspections covering factory and site works of Facade works, able to work on challenging site requirements and ability to work on reports. Building Facade Works Job opening at our Mumbai office. Training will be provided for those selected candidates Candidates must have following min. requirements Any technical Degree or diploma (Civil,…
Continue reading Job Openings for Building Facade Works QAQC Inspectors
BES speech on Facade Conference, on 29th Aug 19 at Ho Chi Minh City BES has presented an interesting and useful technical talk on Facade Conference, on 29th Aug 19 at Ho Chi Minh City, which has been greatly appreciated by the participants. The presentation contents were of high quality and shared valuable experiences from… Continue reading Facade Conference -Vietnam 2019
Our Approach to Energy efficient facades using simple design principles, Our team work on detailed level of sustainable designs for energy efficient facades using multi discipline simulations that employs innovative solutions BES-Technical Sharing Issue-8
BES has presented practical insights of building construction problems on an international conferences, this talk has well received by wider range of audiences.