

Wide Range Of Materials Natural Materials Unusual Design and Applications Natural Materials Decorative Concrete Finishes Modern Cladding Materials New Materials 2 Material pallette for web2 facade design stone facades edited best facade architecture 1 stone 037 concrete finishes Cladding- designs

We are in the forefront of innovations and technologies of materials

BES helps clients/designers for the appropriate applications of Architectural  engineering design materials to avoid risks of poor performances and failures. We have a dedicated team and resources for research on materials and develop designs to implement on real projects.

Our team focus on latest trends and architectural materials brings innovations and interesting ideas to the project we work with. Our strong knowledge on Architectural building materials and up to date skills technologies, latest trends, innovative materials will greatly help to successfully implement iconic design.

Not Just Glass and Cladding

We have experience in working natural finishes such as concrete enhanced with decorative finishes, patterns, etc,. These are International trends and latest construction finishes. Furthermore we are passionate with other natural materials such as various types of stones, light weight pre-cast, etc. Out team deeper knowledge in facade designer and construction techniques, helps to work on any new materials, unconventional buildups and using local and natural materials.

Architectural Materials

GRC beads detailed designed by BES Large Scale application -Design and Engg By BES GRC Detailed Designed by BES - Large panels GRC patterns design and Engg. by BES GRC beads detailed designed by BES GRC beads detailed designed by BES GRC cladding designs Vietnam-architects.jpg best facade cladding GRC cladding india GRC-facade-designs Convention centre-Delhi

Variety of Building Materials and Unusual Design Elements we deal with

GRC patterns designed by BES for an on-going project, BES has involved with detailed design, engineering consultants in India and implementation of the interesting architectural design element. We have in depth knowledge on GRC from design to installations, able to prepare highly practical design solutions for various forms of GRC such as panels, screens, ornamental etc.

Our team has expertise with GRC and successfully designed and implemented on large architectural applications such as Mondeal Heights

Material Research

Our in-house material research team has greater expertise in latest materials, performances, defects, issues etc. We don’t just believe in what we see, our team carryout detailed in-depth analysis of materials, characteristics, behaviours. Furthermore we go through testing and verification process to implement any innovative materials in our engineering consultancy.

Architectural Materials

Verification by Testing

Our deeper knowledge on material behaviours on fire propagation with test verifications will help the client. Recommendations are based on strong technical backup and building specific, help the building owners with most suitable rectification strategies engineering companies in mumbai

Our Cladding Expertise

BES team has greater experiences and knowledge on various cladding design from design to Construction. Our approach as a holistic design solutions not just design but greater focus on construction and practical aspects, well aware of availability and limitations engineering consultants services.


Architectural Materials

Unusual Designs

Unusual designs and materials, we are passionate to explore and push design boundaries. With our construction knowledge, BES team relentlessly works for any innovative designs from concept to completion.

GRC -beads screen Alum Fins in Patterns Artistic Screens Laser cut metal screen Kadapa stone facade - Type of Slate Minimalist Framed curved facade facade technical insights Fin claddinng Cladding- designs metal cladding stone facade designs curved facade designs

Glass Engineering Expertise

Engineering consulting services knowledge focused with advanced design and testing, good understanding of structural behaviours makes our design robust. Our team has deeper knowledge of materials, performances and limitations, helps to make efficient designs.

Relevant Projects

Architectural Materials

Atrium Place, Gurugram Delhi

Architectural Materials

The Park -Tall Luxury Residential, Mumbai

Architectural Materials

NS Square,

Architectural Materials

International Hospital, Hanoi